North Carolina

North Carolina Chiropractic Continuing Education Requirements*

18 hours of CE per year due on December 31.  2 hours per year for engaging in Professional Development which includes reading scientific, peer-reviewed professional journals; or by visiting vendor displays at professional association conventions to become familiar with trends in treatment technologies and new products.

Online Chiropractic Continuing Education Policies for North Carolina

8 of the 18 required hours are allowed to be obtained online.

State Board Approved

*Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Continuing Education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Chiropractic licensees are ultimately responsible for being up to date with your state continuing education requirements. It is the responsibility of the licensees to confirm our courses will cover any special requirements for your state.

Individual On Demand Courses

Choose the on demand courses you want.

(160 options available)



Ethics and Boundaries


Risk Management

Live Webinars

Take a live webinar to meet your CE requirements and advance your skills.

(8 options available)