Essentials of Lumbar Spine Rehab: A Multimodal Approach

Essentials of Lumbar Spine Rehab: A Multimodal Approach

Presenter: Donald Defabio, D.C., DACRB, DACBSP, DABCO
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1:00 PM EST
2 hrs
Credit Hours
2 hrs

408 in stock

408 in stock

Donald Defabio, D.C., DACRB, DACBSP, DABCO
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The objective of this course is to present current concepts in lumbar spine rehab for all phases of care, from the acute to return to function.  The clinical indications for flexion, extension and neutral spine biased exercises will be presented along with the appropriate exercise selection and specific exercise progressions that the clinician can incorporate immediately Specifically, the course introduces the use of evidenced based flexion biased exercise principles for lumbar spinal stenosis, the role of neutral spine exercises for ADL’s, and extension biased principles for discogenic conditions and paraspinal deconditioning. The three mechanisms of core stability will be presented as they relate to lumbar spine rehab and novel technologies to enhance intrinsic core strength and stability will be introduced to enable the clinician to achieve better outcomes.