Evaluation and Management of Low Back Pain Part 3
Credit Hours: 2
This course will review the basic principles of spinal biomechanics identifying what causes the most spinal loading in posture, exercises and movements with an emphasis on the different muscles of the spine. The most efficient exercises to treat low back dysfunction will be described COURSE OUTLINE HOUR 1 Evaluation of spinal biomechanics and discussion of proper pain free movement
Discussing the importance of the initial clinician/patient meeting and the nine objectives that must be discussed during that examination process.
Crossed Pelvis Syndrome facilitated and inhibited muscles and how to fix this dysfunction
Discuss proper movement patterns in spinal biomechanics such as sitting, standing, rising, walking, scapular movement, hip hinging, bending, and torquing HOUR 2 Spinal Exercise Training Program Stage 1 Detect and Correct Motion, Stage 2 Build Whole Body and Joint Stability, Stage 3 Increase Endurance
Exercises to detect and correct motion such as hip hinging, cat/camel, shortstop position, wall rolls, squats.
Exercises to build core stability such as shoulder Y, curl up, plank, bridges, bird dog, and foundation training.Approved In The Following States