Dr. Tim Rogers, DC
Dr. Tim Rogers, DC
Dr. Tim Rogers is a practicing chiropractor in Kentucky who specializes in nutrition, sports training and injury prevention. In the 23 years as a practicing chiropractor, he has served on staff at Life University in classroom and clinic capacities, and lectured for DC Seminars over a 7 year period. He is the treating doctor on site at CrossFit Maximus along with owning a personal training studio in Atlanta, GA.
A competitive athlete early on, Dr. Rogers learned through experience the struggles of mental and physical preparation at the highest levels of sport. His approach to human performance is “function first “: A complete system of balancing the biochemical, emotional/mental and physical aspects of the athlete. Primarily treating active populations, Dr. Rogers welcomes the challenges that come with a census that is active later into life with each passing year.
An innovator who followed up a passion for the sport of lacrosse, Dr. Rogers developed a trademarked system of athlete training called LaxFit™ that was recently purchased by US Lacrosse. The focus of this program typifies his approach to people of all athletic levels, involving analysis and the prescription of treatments and movements that support the overall goals and abilities of the individual.
Dr. Rogers has been a solo practitioner for the last 10 years and lives with his wife and 2 sons in Lexington, KY. Their current interests include traveling to lacrosse tournaments with Thunder Elite. Professionally, Dr. Rogers recently accepted the invitation to work again with DC Seminars, providing clinical solutions to nutritional and sport driven dysfunctions.
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