I. Sleep – General Overview
a. Understanding brainwaves and different mental stages
b. Non‐Rem and Rem stages of sleep
c. Awakening
II. Functions of Sleep
a. Restoration of body systems
b. Memory processing and consolidation
c. Dreaming
III. Sleep Quantity – Recommendations based on demographics
IV. Sleep disorders – general overview
a. Insomnia
b. Obstructive sleep apnea
c. Aging and its effects on sleep
V. Impacts of inadequate sleep
a. Physical health
b. Cognitive health
c. Mental health
VI. Improving Sleep Hygiene
a. Practical recommendations for your patients to improve their sleep quality
b. Supplementation and “sleep‐friendly foods”
VII. Overview of professional interventions aimed at improving sleep quality
a. Cognitive Behavioral Approaches – summary
b. Neurofeedback Therapy – general overview
VIII. Case Studies