
A Logical Approach to X-ray Interpretation

A rational, easy‐to‐follow, sequential 12‐step approach to film interpretation is presented, with emphasis on the CATBITES categories of bone disease. The principles introduced in the first hour are applied to a wide variety of cases; as time permits, proper construction of an x‐ray report is discussed.

Brain on Fire

Estimates are that approximately 1 in 6 people suffer from brain diseases such as MS, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. We probably all know someone from some neurodegenerative disease. As our population ages, is cognitive decline a foregone conclusion?

Chiropractic Coding and Compliance for a Healthy Practice

Hour 1  Chiropractic evaluation and management  Clinical decision-making vs time components  Chiropractic manipulative therapy  Supervised & constant attendance modalities  Therapeutic procedures Hour 2  Medicare chiropractic guidelines  P.A.R.T. examination  The new Medicare ABN form  OIG recommended policies and procedures

Clinical Stress Optimization

Stress, it’s a human condition that everyone experiences to a greater or lesser degree and based on how it is perceived, will determine how it affects the expression of health and wellbeing of the individual. While the implications are real, contributing to 90% of all disease processes, with 77% of the population reporting feeling that

Immunology 101

The human immune system is a dynamic system that can be easily compromised by stress, infections, environmental agents and nutrient deficiencies. In this webinar, we will look at the immune system and discuss the application of diet and nutrition to support our patient’s needs. We will review strategies to support the immune response to viruses,

Immunology 101

The human immune system is a dynamic system that can be easily compromised by stress, infections, environmental agents and nutrient deficiencies. In this webinar, we will look at the immune system and discuss the application of diet and nutrition to support our patient’s needs. We will review strategies to support the immune response to viruses,

Radiology of Trauma

Trauma review – presentation of types of fractures with wide assortment of axial and appendicular fractures and dislocations

The Precursor to Alzheimer’s

This course will provide Chiropractors with the basic principles about trends in the diagnosis and management of Subjective Cognitive Decline It will include discussion on the latest diagnosis and management options available to patient’s suffering with Subjective Cognitive Decline.

Documentation Coding and Boundaries

Active care is an integral component of current paradigm in Chiropractic. This course will cover documentation and coding and patient management concerns (boundaries and ethics) as it relates to active care. The appropriate use of timed and untimed codes, modifiers and daily SOAP note documentation will be explained to substantiate the services rendered and bullet

Surviving Stress

Stress is the body’s natural response to the daily wear and tear placed upon it. Understanding stress chemistry and how we adapt to or maladapt has become a leading cause of numerous health problems. The impact of stress on the immune system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, digestive system and nervous system has become a major

Understanding the Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is integral in maintaining homeostasis as ECS receptors are found throughout the body. Functional physiology of the ECS will be reviewed as the framework to incorporate Phyto cannabinoids, especially hemp derived cannabidiol (CBD), as a pathway to modulate the ECS. Clinically, the use of CBD for pain, inflammation, and anxiety will

Chiropractic Coding and Compliance for a Healthy Practice

Hour 1  Chiropractic evaluation and management  Clinical decision-making vs time components  Chiropractic manipulative therapy  Supervised & constant attendance modalities  Therapeutic procedures Hour 2  Medicare chiropractic guidelines  P.A.R.T. examination  The new Medicare ABN form  OIG recommended policies and procedures

Photobiomodulation for Acute Injuries

This two‐hour CE webinar will present information on acute and sports injuries, review studies on the use of photobiomodulation (PBM, or laser therapy) for acute injuries and give clinical recommendations for the treatment of acute injuries.


This course will review the basic ins and outs of the most important things we should know when it comes to breast cancer. Achieve a good understanding of statistics, diagnostics, symptoms, types, stages and tools you can use to help someone focus on prevention as well as aid in reducing the risk of recurrence for