In this seminar Dr Meschino provides practitioners with ground-breaking research showing the vital impact specific nutrients have on epigenetics, the body’s aging clock, brain function in aging, as well as human performance and longevity biomarkers (indicators). He highlights key aspects of anti-aging research, which confirm that many aspects of aging can be prevented, slowed, and even reversed, by implementing a personalized nutritional medicine approach, to augment the patient’s exercise routine, chiropractic and medical interventions.
You will leave the webinar with a solid understanding of evidence-based, clinically relevant, practical, no nonsense strategies that you can immediately use to help personalize patient recommendations to enhance performance, slow and reverse key aspects of aging as well as improve critical health risk factors, and help your patients maintain a highly functioning body and mind well into your golden years (healthy life expectancy). Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, a special segment of the program will address evidence-based studies examining nutrition, lifestyle, and immunity.