Chiropractic Role in Athletic Performance and Recovery
Credit Hours: 4
This program aims to establish the role of chiropractors within the team approach for dealing with the needs of athletes at all levels. Chiropractic should have a profound effect on the developing athlete and continue to play a significant role with weekend warriors to professionals. To accomplish these goals of course requires the education of all concerned; including coaches, parents, players, and other health care practitioners. INSTRUCTOR Peter F Mackay D.C., QME TIME 4 Hours COURSE OBJECTIVE To establish the expanding scope for clinicians while dealing with treatment and prevention of injuries along with promoting peak performance. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to aid the Chiropractic Profession by providing Chiropractors with instruction necessary to understand their functional role dealing with more than traditional sports medicine. The hope would be to integrate chiropractic care as a foundational concept to true neurodynamic consistency and skill development. OVERVIEW OF COURSE This course will review the basic biomechanics of golf as an introduction to the team approach to be applied to all sports. Evaluation, screening, and movement analysis will be demonstrated with technology when necessary but with a view to low tech reproducibility; in short to give practitioners a practical game plan for getting started. COURSE OUTLINE HOUR 1 &2 Introduction to golf fitness and injuries with promotion of the health benefits of golf. Discussion with respect to biomechanics and technologies that have been used to place golf ahead of most sports when it comes to understanding efficiency. How to begin to “work inside the ropes” with an elite athlete and take on a consulting role that will eliminate typical restrictions of an insurance-based practice! An educational ppt template will be provided to use with parents and coaches, etc. Hours 3 & 4 There will be case study presentations of athletes that present with real world problems. This will include chiropractic interventions with respect to functional biomechanics but the goal will be to teach protocols for “reverse engineering” potential faulty techniques. Video analysis will be used to highlight easy steps to recognizing these faults and create strategies for overcoming habits that in some cases are hard wired and difficult to change. There will be discussion concerning return to play and management of patients so as to avoid relapses post surgery. This is a very important area for chiropractors who can play a significant role in understanding why athletes have failed in the first place and of course in preventing reoccurrence. This is where expertise becomes scaled so that reimbursement is based on just how well your process
can “move the needle” keeping players playing at the highest level. A practitioners reputation becomes aligned with more that treating back pain but actually assumes the role of expert consultant for optimum performance.Approved In The Following States