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12 Steps to Radiographic Analysis (2 Hours) A Logical Approach to X-Ray Interpretation (2 Hours) Acute Spinal Cord Trauma (1 Hours) Addressing Memory Loss With Your Patients Before it Becomes an Issue (2 Hours) Alzheimer's and Ethical Considerations (2 Hours) Alzheimer’s and Pharmacological Considerations (2 Hours) Alzheimer’s Disease: A Nutritional Approach (1 Hours) Alzheimer’s Disease: Basic Overview (1 Hours) Alzheimer’s Patient Support (1 Hours) An Introduction to Active Rehabilitation (2 Hours) An Introduction to Communicable Diseases (2 Hours) An Introduction to Multiple Object Tracking (2 Hours) An Introduction to Neurofeedback (2 Hours) Anti-cancer Nutrients of Importance: A Research Update (2 Hours) Autoimmune Disease (2 Hours) Autoimmune Disease: A Functional Approach (2 Hours) Basic Case Management (1 Hours) Basic MRI Part 1 (1 Hours) Basic MRI Part 2 (1 Hours) Basic MRI Part 3 (1 Hours) Biomechanics of Whiplash (2 Hours) Blood Flow Restriction: Simple Guidelines for Improving Clinical Outcomes in General Population Patients (2 Hours) Brain on Fire (2 Hours) Burnout to Outstanding (2 Hours) CBD & The Endocannabinoid System (2 Hours) Cervicogenic Headaches (2 Hours) Child Abuse (2 Hours) Chiropractic and Cognition (2 Hours) Chiropractic Coding and Compliance for a Healthy Practice (2 Hours) Chiropractic Ethics (2 Hours) Chiropractic Management and Treatment of Headaches (2 Hours) Chiropractic Physiological Therapeutics - Part 1 (2 Hours) Chiropractic Physiological Therapeutics - Part 2 (2 Hours) Chiropractic Risk Management Recordkeeping and Compliance (3 Hours) Chiropractic Role in Athletic Performance and Recovery (4 Hours) Circadian Rhythm & Gut-Brain Axis (2 Hours) Clinical and Radiographic Signs of Child Abuse (2 Hours) Clinical Case Studies from Radiology to Rehab (2 Hours) Conditions of the Disc Part 1 (1 Hours) Conditions of the Disc Part 2 (1 Hours) Conditions of the Disc Part 3 (1 Hours) Cultural Diversity and Competency (1 Hours) Dementia (2 Hours) Detoxification (2 Hours) Digestion and Absorption (1 Hours) Documentation (2 Hours) Don't Let Documentation Suck the Life Out of You (2 Hours) Eeg Neurofeedback: Understanding Complimentary, Non-drug Alternatives (1 Hours) Epigenetics and Chiropractic (1 Hours) Evaluation and Management of Low Back Conditions Part 1 (2 Hours) Evaluation and Management of Low Back Conditions Part 2 (2 Hours) Evaluation and Management of Low Back Pain Part 3 (2 Hours) Evaluation and Treatment of Inhibited and Hypertonic Muscles (2 Hours) Food and Inflammation (1 Hours) Function Based Care Part 1 (1 Hours) Function Based Care Part 2 (1 Hours) Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases (2 Hours) Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Treatment Strategies and Lab Testing (2 Hours) Geriatric and Alzheimer’s Considerations in the Chiropractic Patient Population (2 Hours) Gut Disc Axis and Musculoskeletal Disease (2 Hours) Healthcare Compliance (2 Hours) HIPAA Compliance to Protect Your Practice (2 Hours) How and Why to Include Nutritional Counseling in Your Practice: And Make it Lucrative (1 Hours) How to Create Rock Solid SOAP Notes (2 Hours) How to Optimize Memory and Focus (1 Hours) How to Write a Nexus Letter for a Veteran (1 Hours) Immune Imbalance and Inflammation (2 Hours) Immunology 101 (2 Hours) Inflammation (1 Hours) Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Part 1: Introduction (1 Hours) Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Part 2: The Spine (1 Hours) Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Part 3: Upper Extremity (1 Hours) Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Part 4: Lower Extremity (1 Hours) Insurance Coding (2 Hours) Laser Part 1: Class 4 Laser Opioids and Neuropathy (1 Hours) Laser Part 2: Class 4 Laser Safety and Risk Management (1 Hours) Laser Part 3: Class 4 Laser Therapy Science and Philosophy (1 Hours) Laser Part 4: Class 4 Lasers a Scientific Review of the Research (1 Hours) Living Healthy in a Toxic World (2 Hours) Long COVID (2 Hours) Low Tech Office Rehab for Posture Correction (2 Hours) Management of Common Sports Injuries (2 Hours) Management of the Patient with Headaches (2 Hours) Managing Low Back Pain of Discal Origin (2 Hours) Managing the Headache Patient (2 Hours) Managing the Patient With Fatigue (2 Hours) Managing Through Difficult Times & Stress (2 Hours) Medical Errors (2 Hours) Medicare Recordkeeping and Coding (2 Hours) Memory Loss Prevention as part of a Chiropractic Wellness Program (1 Hours) Migraine Headaches (2 Hours) Mitochondria at The Crossroads of Health & Disease (2 Hours) Musculoskeletal Evaluation - Part 1 (2 Hours) Myofascial Pain Syndrome (2 Hours) Neurofeedback and Chiropractic: A Perfect Fit (2 Hours) Neuroinflammation (2 Hours) Neuropathy (2 Hours) Neuroplasticity Part 1: A Basic Overview (1 Hours) Neuroplasticity Part 2: Brainwaves Are a Window to the Brain (1 Hours) Neuroplasticity Part 3: The Importance of Sleep (1 Hours) Neuroplasticity Part 4: The Effects of Subluxation and Stress on the Brain (1 Hours) New Technique in Ankle and Foot Adjusting (2 Hours) Nutritional Approach to Osteoarthritis (1 Hours) Nutritional Assessment for the Chiropractor - Part 1 (2 Hours) Nutritional Assessment for the Chiropractor - Part 2 (2 Hours) Nutritional Impacts and Enhancements for Geriatric Patients (2 Hours) Nutritional Management of Arthritic Conditions (2 Hours) Nutritional Medicine in Osteoarthritis (1 Hours) Nutritional Psychology: Anxiety (2) (2 Hours) Optimizing Memory Performance (2 Hours) Optimizing Nutrition for Enhanced Health (2 Hours) Osha Standards for Communicable Diseases (1 Hours) Passive Care Modalities Part 1 (1 Hours) Passive Care Modalities Part 2 (1 Hours) Post Concussion Syndrome Analysis to Treatment (1 Hours) Post-Traumatic Headaches (2 Hours) Professional Boundaries (1 Hours) Radiculopathy: Patient Assessment (1 Hours) Radiology of Arthritis (2 Hours) Radiology of Benign Bone Tumors (2 Hours) Radiology of Malignant Bone Tumor (2 Hours) Radiology of Scoliosis and Spondylolisthesis (2 Hours) Radiology of Skeletal Trauma (2 Hours) Relevant Rehab: Chronic Low Back Pain Part 1 (2 Hours) Relevant Rehab: Chronic Low Back Pain Part 2 (2 Hours) Relevant Rehab: Chronic Low Back Pain Part 3 (2 Hours) Rotator Cuff Injuries (1 Hours) Scoliosis and Spondylolisthesis Radiology Review (2 Hours) Sexual Boundaries (2 Hours) Sleep, Cognition and Mental Health (2 Hours) Soft Tissue Imaging of the Spine (2 Hours) Spinal Decompression (1 Hours) Spinal Pain Syndromes (1 Hours) Stress (2 Hours) Structural Integrity, Degenerative Joint Conditions and Chronic Pain (2 Hours) Subjective Cognitive Decline in the Chiropractic Patient Population (1 Hours) Surviving Stress (2 Hours) Tension Type Headaches (2 Hours) The Art of Muscle Testing (2 Hours) The Best Rehab Codes for Chiropractors (1 Hours) The Consequences of Dysbiosis (1 Hours) The Consequences of Leaky Gut Syndrome (1 Hours) The Documentation of Medical Necessity (2 Hours) The Incredible Brain - Part 1 (2 Hours) The Incredible Brain - Part 2 (2 Hours) The Key Components of a Chiropractic Treatment Plan (2 Hours) The Medical Approach to Low Back Pain (2 Hours) The Neurological Analysis and Treatment of the Subluxation: Spine and Pelvis (2 Hours) The Neurology of Pain (1 Hours) The Nutritional Approach to Improving Cognitive Function (2 Hours) The Truth About Gluten (1 Hours) Trigger Point Therapy (2 Hours) Types of Headaches - Part 1 (2 Hours) Types of Headaches - Part 2 (2 Hours) Understanding the Endocannabinoid System (2 Hours) Understanding Whiplash Part 1 (2 Hours) Understanding Whiplash Part 2 (2 Hours) Unveiling Implicit Bias (1 Hours) Use of Probiotics in Clinical Practice (2 Hours) Vitamins and Minerals Essential for Health (1 Hours) Why Is America So Sick? Part 1 (2 Hours) Why Is America So Sick? Part 2 (2 Hours) Why Is America So Sick? The Negative Effects of Societal Changes on Brain Development Part 3 (2 Hours)